NTIS is inviting private sector ingenuity to join our unique Federal data services program
The Department of Commerce’s National Technical Information Service (NTIS) is inviting private sector ingenuity to join our unique Federal data services program. NTIS is interested in partnering with the private sector to assist federal agencies in developing and implementing innovative ways to collect, connect, access, analyze, or use federal data and data services. By leveraging data as a strategic asset, federal agencies can transform how they deliver citizen services and operate more effectively and efficiently.
NTIS has established a unique Innovation Framework that has led to significant mission outcomes for federal agencies. As a trusted Fed-to-Fed advisor, NTIS applies its unique joint venture partnership authority to help federal agencies solve their complex data challenges. Our efforts promote operational excellence through applied data science innovation in areas such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, and predictive analytics.
We encourage you to submit a proposal to the Federal Register Notice to become an NTIS Joint Venture Partner.