Limited Access Death Master File (LADMF)

Pay Certification Processing Fees

The non-refundable Certification process includes the following:

  • Certification processing fee and form - Required every year
  • Agreement form - Required every year
  • Attestation processing fee and form - Required every 3 years
  • Firewall processing fee and form (if applicable) - Required every 3 years

Limited Access Death
Master File (LADMF),
Certification Form
Processing Fee


Limited Access Death
Master File (LADMF),
Certification Attestation
Form Processing Fee


Limited Access Death
Master File (LADMF),
Certification Firewall
Form Processing Fee


Online Payment Instructions by Credit Card:

    1. Register HERE. You should see the registration link on the top right of the page

    2. After registering and logging in click on "Product Information" link in the menu

    3. Click on form title to go to the payment page

    4. Click on the form title again to add to your cart

    5. You will have to repeat steps 2 through 4 for each form (Certification, Attestation, and/or Firewall)

    6. Once you've added all the form processing fees to your cart click on "Checkout" underneath your cart to finalize your payment

For Check payments, please send your check payable to National Technical Information Service to 5301 Shawnee Road, Alexandria, VA 22312 with the following information:

    1. Company Name

    2. Customer Name

    3. Which processing fees you are paying for (i.e. Certification, Attestation, and/or Firewall)

Once your payment is processed NTIS will send you a confirmation email with your invoice and all the forms required to continue the Certification Process.

PLEASE NOTE: Due to end-of-month reporting, NTIS will experience delays in processing payments during the last 4 business days of the month. Please make all payments at least 4 business days before the month’s end, to avoid any potential delay. Payments received during the last 4 business days of the month will be processed on the first business day of the next month. If you have any questions, please contact us at [email protected] or [email protected].